Since 1954

With more than fifty years of professional tradition, Estudio Costa Carubia is one of the most prestigious patent and trademark offices in Argentina.

It´s head office is located in Rosario, which is the second most important city in the country (three hundred kilometres from Buenos Aires). It counts with correspondants in Capital Federal and in nearly all the main countries.

Nowadays, Estudio Costa Carubia represents clients from important industries, due to its continuity and prestige. That´s why it occupies a recognized leadership position.

It counts with a team formed by consultants, external advisories like lawyers, engineers, draftmen and a trained staff which allows clients to fullfil their expectations.

Our permanent concern to offer clients quick and precise information, makes us be equipped with a data base related to trademark applications and certificates. It allows us to do a complete search of phonetic similarities between trademarks. We also count with a special software to do the trademarks´ custody in order to prevent further confusions.

Regarding Patents of inventions we are connected with specialized engineers and draftmen in order to give a complete and efficient protection to Models and Patents of invention.

Trademarks | Models | Patents | Copyriogts | Domains